June 19, 2023 2 min read

Hello Beautiful Women of God!

After having a powerful Clubhouse room on this topic, Ten Things That Signal Its Time To Leave His A*s, I knew it was IMPORTANT, NO URGENT, that I get this list of ten signs out to you ladies! Although I have titled these ten things, I have included a couple more as an extra bonus. Ladies, these are NOT in any order of importance.

  1. You are crying and hurting more than you are laughing and filled with happiness.
  2. He has been unfaithful to you. He has cheated on you with someone else in whatever way you define cheating. Being unfaithful can be physical, mental, emotional, and or all the above.
  3. He has a problem with you looking through his cellphone and other personal items. Not that you should feel the need to add this to part of your daily to dos, but he should not have a problem when and if you do pick up his phone to scroll through it, just because YOU CAN!
  4. He does not spend time with you in PUBLIC. This also looks like, only calling at hours of the night and wanting to have sex. 
  5. YOU do not trust him anymore. Often the result of lies and or cheating, initially the woman agrees to work on the relationship. Unaware that try as she may, she cannot get past the betrayal. He may actually be working hard at being faithful & telling the truth & nothing but the truth. This, is because of what the woman is unable to move past and not what the man is continuing to do,
  6. He is abusive! This can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and or spiritually. There are a number of ways that someone can be abusive to you! 
  7. He tries to change you into who and what he wants you, and from your life as it pertains to him, rather than accept you for who you are, he is never satisfied with YOU.
  8. When he does not want you to spend time with your family & friends. Not the occasional wanting to spend time with you, but he gets upset, or tries to cause fights between you and your family/friends.
  9. If you begin a relationship with him that is more than friends, and you become BORED of him, yes, I said it, YOU GET BORED! It's okay to not be feeling him and want out of the relationship. So many women stay in relationships just to be in a relationship! 
  10. When you are trying to do things to elevate yourself, mentally, physically, emotionally, academically, and or financially and all he has are negative words and energy. e.g., you have returned to school and need to study for a test the next day and he purposely hides your study material and pretends he does not know what is going on and allows you to think you misplaced it.


11.When he is not a great fit for both you and your child(ren).

  1. When He is NOT Satisfying you sexually!


Hopes this helps,


Maritza 💋